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Writer's pictureBrittany Bennett

5 Tips for Weight Maintenance During the Holidays

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

With the holiday season in full swing, it is easy to let your diet spiral out of control - or it may already be trashed due the the exceptional year we have had. For most of us, 2020 started off with a glass of champagne (or sparkling grape juice) and a list of goals to accomplish by the year's end. But, then came March and life as we knew it was rocked by a global pandemic.

For some, being at home and isolated led to unhealthy behaviors, such as lack of exercise and poor diet quality, while others seized the moment and made positive lifestyle changes.

Personally, my mostly healthy diet gets rocked by the holidays. Between the extra baking and cooking (and lots of taste tests), the extra calories consumed from alcohol, and the decrease in exercise and increase in couch time, it is easy for me to gain a good 5-10 pounds during the month of December.

Weight gain through the holiday season should not be the norm and can be avoided with a little planning. Last year, I made a goal for December, which was simply to maintain my weight during the holidays. Easy enough, right? Well, If you have any of the tendencies I do, such as lack of control around food, a raging sweet (or salty) tooth, or are a social eater/drinker, it may be easier said than done.

For those of you who improved your diet and exercise patterns over the year, I hope you implement these tips to keep the pounds off you worked so hard shedding. And for those of you who have given up on 2020 with plans of hitting the re-set button January 1st, I encourage you to start now by using these tips to jump-start your journey to better health.

*These tips were written expecting the holidays to be "normal", pre-pandemic. Please adhere to the guidelines set forth by the CDC, as well as your state and local governments. Wash your hands, wear a mask, and watch your distance - stay healthy!

1. Eat A Balanced Breakfast

Start your day off right with a small, filling meal. Make sure to at least include a carbohydrate, preferably a whole grain, and complete protein. Toast a slice of whole grain bread, lightly buttered with an egg (or two), seasoned with everything but the bagel seasoning, or whatever blend of spices/seasonings your prefer. Add some sliced avocado for a dose of omega-3s, fiber, and vitamins/minerals. Also try whipping up oatmeal and adding some dried or fresh fruit and nuts for a morning boost.

2. Drink Up

The amount of water you should consume per day depends on factors including age and gender. While out shopping or party hopping, it may be easy to forget to drink water. Make drinking water more accessible by getting yourself a trendy bottle as an early Christmas present and carry it with you wherever you go. Thirst can be mistaken for hunger, so it is important to drink plenty of water. Also, if you find yourself drinking more punch or cocktails around the holidays, I suggest setting reasonable limit. Also, be honest with yourself. Do you really NEED to drink more than 1-2 cups, bottles, glasses, etc. of whatever calorie and/or sugar loaded beverage you like, or do you just WANT to drink more.

3. Stay Active

If you are not already active, I encourage you to add physical activity to your holiday plans or, if you are already active, keep moving. The U.S. Department of Health recommends engaging in at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week. Moderate-intensity is considered anything that gets your heart rate up, including brisk walking, biking, jogging and swimming. Aim to exercise at least 5 days a week for 30 to 60 minutes per session. It is also recommended to add strength training twice per week to help build and maintain muscle mass. Since calorie intake will likely be higher than normal, it is imperative to maintain or increase activity in order to combat weight gain during the holidays

4. Make Mindful Choices

The multiple tables of tasty food may sometimes appear endless and can be overwhelming when trying to stay "mostly" on track during the holidays. Most parties I attend are potluck style - everyone brings an appetizer or side and dessert to share. Before making a plate, check out all your options and get a plan together. What are the foods you cannot pass up? What are the ones you can live without? Be mindful of portion sizes and try to stick to one plate, refraining from seconds. If you must get seconds, be even more picky than the first go-around and avoid large scoops or slices. If there are fresh veggies, fruits, or other whole foods, fill up on those first, and get tasting size portions of any casserole, dips, or desserts.

5. Give Yourself Some Grace

If you do find yourself pigging out at one party, don't sweat it! Give yourself some grace and remove any negative thoughts or feelings of guilt you may have. Identify the emotions you were feeling when you decided to go ham at the buffet table and think of ways you can do better next time. Hit the reset button and remember it's the holidays - don't let a misstep in your diet take away your cheer!


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